\name{shuffledRandomScores} \alias{shuffledRandomScores} \alias{plot.shuffledRandomScores} \alias{print.shuffledRandomScores} \title{Generates Null-Distribution for List-Overlap-Scores} \description{ A null-distribution for list-overlap scores is generated via simulation. Scores are computed for random permutations. } \usage{ shuffledRandomScores(n, nn, bases, B = 1000, two.sided=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{n}{the length of the lists.} \item{nn}{the maximal ranks to be considered, one entry per weighting parameter alpha.} \item{bases}{\code{exp(-alpha)} for each weighting parameter alpha.} \item{B}{the number of permutations to be drawn.} \item{two.sided}{if \code{TRUE} both ends of the lists are taken into account, only top ranks are considered otherwise.} } \value{ Returns an object of type "shuffledRandomScores. Its only data is a matrix of random scores. One column per alpha and one row per permutation is generated. There are print and plot methods for "shuffledRandomScores objects. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{compareLists}}} \keyword{internal}