\name{scoreOrderComparison} \alias{scoreOrderComparison} \alias{scoreOrderComparisonBoth} \title{Score the Comparison of two Gene Rankings} \description{ Compute weighted similarity score for gene rankings determined via the chosen test statistics. } \usage{ scoreOrderComparison(exprs1, labels1, paired1, exprs2, labels2, paired2, test.method = test.z, nn, bases, two.sided, empirical) scoreOrderComparisonBoth(exprs1, labels1, paired1, exprs2, labels2, paired2, test.method = test.z, nn, bases, two.sided, empirical) } \arguments{ \item{exprs1,exprs2}{gene expression matrices.} \item{labels1,labels2}{class labels, one label per column in matrices.} \item{paired1,paired2}{logical, whether samples are paired in classes.} \item{test.method}{a function computing one test statistics per row and taking a matrix, a label vector and a logical for pairing as parameters. Valid examples are \code{test.fc}, \code{test.t} and \code{test.z}.} \item{nn}{a vector of rank limits. The score is computed taking into account ranks up to these limits only. One limit per entry in \code{bases}.} \item{bases}{a vector of bases used in weighted scores, is equal to exp(-alpha). The function can compute scores for several regularization parameters in one go.} \item{two.sided}{if \code{TRUE} both ends of the lists are taken into account, only top ranks are considered otherwise.} } \details{ \code{scoreOrderComparison} computes scores only for the direct comparison. \code{scoreOrderComparisonBoth} in addition computes scores for reversed orders, i.e., one of the rankings is reversed. } \value{ For each entry in \code{bases}, thus for each regularization parameter alpha, one score is returned in an array. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \keyword{internal}