\name{sig.mask} \alias{sig.mask} \title{Masking of data based on significance testing} \description{This function sets data to NA if the corresponding spots have significantly biased neighbourhoods on the intensity scale or on the spatial dimensions of the array.} \usage{sig.mask(object,Sp,Sn,thrp,thrn) } \arguments{\item{object}{object of class \code{marrayRaw} or \code{marrrayNorm}} \item{Sp}{list of vectors of false discovery rate or p-values for positive deviation of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} as produced by \code{fdr.int2, p.int2, fdr.spatial2} or \code{p.spatial2}.} \item{Sn}{list vector of false discovery rate or p-values for negative deviation of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} as produced by \code{fdr.int2, p.int2, fdr.spatial2} or \code{p.spatial2}. } \item{thrp}{vector of thresholds for significance of positive deviation (\code{Sp})} \item{thrn}{vector of thresholds for significance of negative deviation (\code{Sn})} } \details{This function can be used for the masking of data that has been decided to be unrelaible after the application of significance test for intenstiy- and location dependent dye bias (e.g. \code{p.int2, fdr.int2, p.spatial2, fdr.spatial2}).} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{sigint.plot}}, \code{\link{fdr.int}}, \code{\link{p.int}}, \code{\link{sigxy.plot}}, \code{\link{fdr.spatial}}, \code{\link{p.spatial}}} \examples{ # To run these commands, delete comment sign (#) ! # # LOADING DATA # data(sw) # # MASKING REGIONS WITH SPATIAL DYE BIAS # # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # For this example, N was chosen rather small. For "real" analysis, it should be larger. # FDR <- fdr.spatial2(sw,delta=2,N=10,av="median",edgeNA=FALSE) # # VISUALISATION # sigxy.plot2(sw[,1],FDR$FDRp[[1]],FDR$FDRn[[1]],color.lim=c(-5,5),main="FDR") # # MASKING SIGNIFICANT NEIGHBOURHOODS # thresp <- c(0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01) # thresn <- c(0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01) # sw.masked <- sig.mask(sw,Sp=FDR$FDRp,Sn=FDR$FDRn,thrp=thresp,thrn=thresn) # mxy.plot(sw.masked[,4]) # plot masked data for array 4 } \keyword{hplot}