\name{fdr.int2} \alias{fdr.int2} \title{Assessment of the significance of intensity-dependent bias} \description{This function assesses the significance of intensity-dependent bias by an one-sided random permutation test. The observed average values of logged fold-changes within an intensity neighbourhood are compared to an empirical distribution generated by random permutation. The significance is given by the false discovery rate.} \usage{fdr.int2(object,delta=50,N=100,av="median")} \arguments{\item{object}{object of class marrayRaw or marrayNorm} \item{delta}{integer determining the size of the neighbourhood. The actual window size is (\code{2 * delta+1}).} \item{N}{number of random permutations performed for generation of empirical distribution} \item{av}{averaging of \code{M} within neighbourhood by \emph{mean} or \emph{median} (default)} } \details{This function \code{fdr.int2} is basically the same as \code{fdr.int} except for differences in their in- and output format. For the details about the functionality, see \code{\link{fdr.int}}. } \note{This function will be merged with \code{fdr.int} in future versions.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{fdr.int}}, \code{\link{p.int2}}, \code{\link{sigint.plot2}}} \examples{ # To run these examples, delete the comment signs (#) in front of the commands. # # LOADING DATA NOT-NORMALISED # data(sw) # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # For this example, N was chosen rather small. For "real" analysis, it should be larger. # FDR <- fdr.int2(sw,delta=50,N=10,av="median") # VISUALISATION OF RESULTS # sigint.plot2(sw[,1],FDR$FDRp[[1]],FDR$FDRn[[1]],c(-5,-5)) # array 1 # sigint.plot2(sw[,4],FDR$FDRp[[4]],FDR$FDRn[[4]],c(-5,-5)) # array 4 } \keyword{nonparametric} \keyword{univar} \keyword{htest}