\name{cor.me.matrix} \alias{cor.me.matrix} \title{ A function to calculate measurement error estimates for all pairs of genes given by the matrix } \description{ Given a matrix ( p x n) for observed values of p variables and a corresponding matrix for their standard errors, the all pairwise measurement error estimates for true correlations are returned} \usage{ cor.me.matrix(exp, se) } \arguments{ \item{exp}{ observed value marix} \item{se}{ standard error matrix } } \details{ } \value{ The final estimates for true correlation (i.e. \code{cor.true}) from the measurement error model } \references{ Ding, B.Y. and Gentleman, R.(2003) Measurement error model for correlation coeffcient estimation and its application in microarray analsysis } \author{ Beiying Ding} \note{ The function involves using quasi-newton for linear optimization, "BFGS" is the only implemented method now. Refer to \code{cor.me.vector} for more details.} \seealso{ cor.me.vector } \examples{ exp <- matrix(abs(rnorm(200,1000,20)),ncol=10) se <- matrix(abs(rnorm(200,50,5)),ncol=10) cor.me.matrix(exp,se) } \keyword{multivariate}