\name{cmv} \alias{cmv} \non_function{} \title{ Data on times to shedding of cytomegalovirus and to colonization of mycobacterium avium complex. } \description{ The \code{cmv} data frame has 204 rows and 4 columns. The intervals should be treated as closed at both ends to replicate the analysis in Betensky and Finkelstein. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{cmvL}{ The left end of the CMV shedding interval. } \item{cmvR}{ The right end of the CMV shedding interval. } \item{macL}{ The left end of the MAC colonization interval. } \item{macR}{ The right end of the MAC colonization interval. } } } \details{ Betensky and Finkelstein, 1999 present data from the AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol ACTG 181. This was a natural history substudy of a comparative trial. Patients were scheduled for clinic visits during follow--up and data was collected on the time until two events; shedding of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in the urine and blood and for colonization of mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) in the sputum or stool. } \source{ Betensky, R. A. and Finkelstein, D. M., 1999, \emph{A nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator for bivariate interval censored data}, Statistics in Medicine, } \examples{ data(cmv) } \keyword{datasets}