\name{Macmat} \alias{Macmat} \title{A function to compute the incidence matrix for an intersction graph. } \description{ Returns the Petrie matrix and Petrie pairs of an interval order given its list of maximal antichains. These can be obtained from \code{\link{Maclist}}. } \usage{ Macmat(ml) } \arguments{ \item{ml}{ A list containing the maximal cliques of the intersection graph of the data. } } \details{ Not worth mentioning? } \value{ A list containing two components. \item{pmat }{The Petrie or clique matrix of the underlying interval order.} \item{ppairs }{The Petrie pairs for each observation. These indicate the first and last maximal clique occupied by the observation.} } \references{Computational Methods for Censored Data using Intersection Graphs, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, JCGS, 2000. } \author{ Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman} \seealso{ \code{\link{Maclist}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset=Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) ml1 <- Maclist(csub1) mm1 <- Macmat(ml1) } \keyword{manip }