\name{BVsupport} \alias{BVsupport} \title{ Compute the support for the cliques of a bivariate intersection graph. } \description{ Given the regions where the events occurred and the cliques of the intersection graph the support of the cliques is computed. For each clique it is the intersection of the event time regions for all observations in that clique. } \usage{ BVsupport(intvlx, intvly, cliques=BVcliques(intvlx, intvly)) } \arguments{ \item{intvlx}{ The event time intervals for one dimension. } \item{intvly}{ The event time intervals for the other dimension. } \item{cliques}{ The list of maximal cliques of the intersection graph, optionally. } } \value{ An m by 4 matrix containing the corners of the intervals of support for the maximal cliques of the intersection graph corresponding to the first two arguments to the function. } \references{\emph{Graph--Theoretical Aspects of Bivariate Censored Data}, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, 1999, submitted. } \author{ A. Vandal and R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{BVcliques}}, \code{\link{BVclmat}} } \examples{ data(cmv) cmv.cl <- BVcliques(cmv[,1:2], cmv[,3:4]) boxes <- BVsupport(cmv[,1:2], cmv[,3:4], cmv.cl) } \keyword{manip}