\name{BVclmat} \alias{BVclmat} \title{ Comput the clique matrix from the clique list. } \description{ Given the clique list, obtained from \code{\link{BVcliques}}, the clique matrix is obtained. This is the m (number of cliques) by n (number of observations) matrix. A[i,j] is one if individual j is in maximal clique i. } \usage{ BVclmat(cliques) } \arguments{ \item{cliques}{ The clique list. } } \value{ The m by n clique matrix. } \references{ \emph{Graph--Theoretical Aspects of Bivariate Censored Data}, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, 1999, submitted. } \author{ A. Vandal and R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{BVcliques}}, \code{\link{BVsupport}} } \examples{ data(cmv) bcl <- BVcliques(cmv[,1:2], cmv[,3:4]) A <- BVclmat(bcl) } \keyword{manip}