\name{BVcliques} \alias{BVcliques} \title{ Find the bivariate cliques from the marginal data. } \description{ The maximal cliques of the intersection graph are obtained by first finding the cliques for the marginal data and then combining them using the algorithm in Gentleman and Vandal (1999). } \usage{ BVcliques(intvlx, intvly, Lxopen=TRUE, Rxopen=FALSE, Lyopen=TRUE, Ryopen=FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{intvlx}{ The cliques for one marginal component, alternatively the marginal intervals can be supplied. } \item{intvly}{ The cliques for the other marginal component, alternatively the marginal intervals can be supplied. } \item{Lxopen}{ Boolean indicating whether the left end point in the x coordinate is open.} \item{Rxopen}{ Boolean indicating whether the right end point in the x coordinate is open.} \item{Lyopen}{ Boolean indicating whether the left end point in the y coordinate is open.} \item{Ryopen}{ Boolean indicating whether the right end point in the y coordinate is open.} } \value{ A list of the maximal cliques of the intersection graph of the data. } \references{ \emph{Graph--Theoretical Aspects of Bivariate Censored Data}, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, 1999, submitted. } \author{ A. Vandal and R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{BVclmat}}, \code{\link{BVsupport}} } \examples{ data(cmv) cmv.cl <- BVcliques(cmv[,1:2], cmv[,3:4], Lxopen=FALSE, Lyopen=FALSE ) } \keyword{ manip}