\name{RangedData-class} \docType{class} \alias{RangedData-class} % Accessors: \alias{annotation} \alias{annotation,RangedData-method} \alias{dim,RangedData-method} \alias{dimnames,RangedData-method} \alias{end,RangedData-method} \alias{length,RangedData-method} \alias{names,RangedData-method} \alias{names<-,RangedData-method} \alias{ranges} \alias{ranges,RangedData-method} \alias{start,RangedData-method} \alias{values} \alias{values,RangedData-method} \alias{width,RangedData-method} % Constructor: \alias{RangedData} % Coercion: \alias{as.data.frame,RangedData-method} \alias{coerce,RangedData,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,XRle,RangedData-method} % Combining and splitting \alias{c,RangedData-method} \alias{split,RangedData-method} % Subsetting: \alias{[,RangedData,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[<-,RangedData,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[[,RangedData-method} \alias{[[<-,RangedData-method} % Show: \alias{show,RangedData-method} \title{Data on ranges} \description{\code{RangedData} supports storing data, i.e. a set of variables, on a set of ranges spanning multiple spaces (e.g. chromosomes). Although the data is split across spaces, it can still be treated as one cohesive dataset when desired. In order to handle large datasets, the data values are stored externally to avoid copying, and the \code{\link{rdapply}} function facilitates the processing of each space separately (divide and conquer).} \details{ A \code{RangedData} object consists of two primary components: a \code{\linkS4class{RangesList}} holding the ranges over multiple spaces and a parallel \code{\linkS4class{SplitXDataFrame}}, holding the split data. There is also an \code{annotation} slot for denoting the source (e.g. the genome) of the ranges and/or data. There are two different modes of interacting with a \code{RangedData}. The first mode treats the object as a contiguous "data frame" annotated with range information. The accessors \code{start}, \code{end}, and \code{width} get the corresponding fields in the ranges as atomic integer vectors, undoing the division over the spaces. The \code{[[} and matrix-style \code{[,} extraction and subsetting functions unroll the data in the same way. \code{[[<-} does the inverse. The number of rows is defined as the total number of ranges and the number of columns is the number of variables in the data. It is often convenient and natural to treat the data this way, at least when the data is small and there is no need to distinguish the ranges by their space. The other mode is to treat the \code{RangedData} as a list, with an element (a virtual \code{Ranges}/\code{XDataFrame} pair) for each space. The length of the object is defined as the number of spaces and the value returned by the \code{names} accessor gives the names of the spaces. The list-style \code{[} subset function behaves analogously. The \code{rdapply} function provides a convenient and formal means of applying an operation over the spaces separately. This mode is helpful when ranges from different spaces must be treated separately or when the data is too large to process over all spaces at once. } \section{Accesor methods}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \code{RangedData} object. The following accessors treat the data as a contiguous dataset, ignoring the division into spaces: \describe{ \item{}{Array accessors: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{nrow(x)}: The number of ranges in \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{ncol(x)}: The number of data variables in \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{dim(x)}: An integer vector of length two, essentially \code{c(nrow(x), ncol(x))}. } \item{}{ \code{rownames(x)}: Gets the names of the ranges in \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{colnames(x)}: Gets the names of the variables in \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{dimnames(x)}: A list with two elements, essentially \code{list(rownames(x), colnames(x))}. } } } \item{}{Range accessors. The type of the return value depends on the type of \code{Ranges}. For \code{IRanges}, an integer vector. Regardless, the number of elements is always equal to \code{nrow(x)}. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{start(x)}: The start value of each range. } \item{}{ \code{width(x)}: The width of each range. } \item{}{ \code{end(x)}: The end value of each range. } } } } These accessors make the object seem like a list along the spaces: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{length(x)}: The number of spaces (e.g. chromosomes) in \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{names(x)}: The names of the spaces (e.g. \code{"chr1"}). \code{NULL} or a character vector of the same length as \code{x}. } \item{}{ \code{names(x) <- value}: Set the names of the spaces, where \code{value} is either \code{NULL} or a character vector of the same length as \code{x}. } } Other accessors: \describe{ \item{}{ \code{annotation(object)}: Here, \code{object} is a \code{RangedData} object. Get the scalar string identifying the source of the data in some way (e.g. genome, experimental platform, etc). } \item{}{ \code{ranges(x)}: Gets the ranges in \code{x} as a \code{\linkS4class{RangesList}}. } \item{}{ \code{values(x)}: Gets the data values in \code{x} as a \code{\linkS4class{SplitXDataFrame}}. } } } \section{Constructor}{ \describe{ \item{}{ \code{RangedData(ranges = IRanges(), ..., splitter = NULL, annotation = NULL)}: Creates a \code{RangedData} with the ranges in \code{ranges} and variables given by the arguments in \code{...}. See the constructor \code{\link{XDataFrame}} for how the \code{...} arguments are interpreted. If \code{splitter} is \code{NULL}, all of the ranges and values are placed into the same space, resulting in a single-space (length one) \code{RangedData}. Otherwise, the ranges and values are split into spaces according to \code{splitter}, which is treated as a factor, like the \code{f} argument in \code{\link{split}}. The annotation may be specified as a scalar string by the \code{annotation} argument. } } } \section{Coercion}{ \describe{ \item{}{ \code{as.data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...)}: Copy the start, end, width of the ranges and all of the variables as columns in a \code{data.frame}. This is a bridge to existing functionality in R, but of course care must be taken if the data is large. Note that \code{optional} and \code{...} are ignored. } \item{}{ \code{as(from, "XDataFrame")}: Like \code{as.data.frame} above, except the result is an \code{\linkS4class{XDataFrame}} and it probably involves less copying, especially if there is only a single space. } \item{}{ \code{as(from, "RangedData")}: coerces \code{from} to a \code{RangedData}, according to its class: \describe{ \item{XRle}{The bounds of the runs become the ranges and the values become a column named \code{score}. } } } } } \section{Subsetting and Replacement}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \code{RangedData} object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{x[i]}: Subsets \code{x} by indexing into its spaces, so the result is of the same class, with a different set of spaces. \code{i} can be numerical, logical, \code{NULL} or missing. } \item{}{ \code{x[i,j]}: Subsets \code{x} by indexing into its rows and columns. The result is of the same class, with a different set of rows and columns. Note that this differs from the subset form above, because we are now treating \code{x} as one contiguous dataset. } \item{}{ \code{x[[i]]}: Extracts a variable from \code{x}, where \code{i} can be a character, numeric, or logical scalar that indexes into the columns. The variable is unlisted over the spaces. } \item{}{ \code{x[[i]] <- value}: Sets value as column \code{i} in \code{x}, where \code{i} can be a character, numeric, or logical scalar that indexes into the columns. The length of \code{value} should equal \code{nrow(x)}. \code{x[[i]]} should be identical to \code{value} after this operation. } } } \section{Splitting and Combining}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is a \code{RangedData} object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{split(x, f, drop = FALSE)}: Split \code{x} according to \code{f}, which should be of length equal to \code{nrow(x)}. Note that \code{drop} is ignored here. The result is a \code{\linkS4class{RangedDataList}} where every element has the same length (number of spaces) but different sets of ranges within each space. } \item{}{ \code{c(x, ..., recursive = FALSE)}: Combines \code{x} with arguments specified in \code{...}, which must all be \code{RangedData} instances. This combination acts as if \code{x} is a list of spaces, meaning that the result will contain the spaces of the first concatenated with the spaces of the second, and so on. This function is useful when creating \code{RangedData} instances on a space-by-space basis and then needing to combine them. } } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \link{RangedData-utils} for utlities and the \code{\link{rdapply}} function for applying a function to each space separately. } \examples{ ranges <- IRanges(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6)) filter <- c(1L, 0L, 1L) score <- c(10L, 2L, NA) ## constructing RangedData instances ## no variables rd <- RangedData() rd <- RangedData(ranges) ranges(rd) ## one variable rd <- RangedData(ranges, score) rd[["score"]] ## multiple variables rd <- RangedData(ranges, filter, vals = score) rd[["vals"]] # same as rd[["score"]] above rd[["filter"]] rd <- RangedData(ranges, score + score) rd[["score...score"]] # names made valid ## use an annotation rd <- RangedData(ranges, annotation = "hg18") annotation(rd) ## split some data over chromosomes range2 <- IRanges(start=c(15,45,20,1), end=c(15,100,80,5)) both <- c(ranges, range2) score <- c(score, c(0L, 3L, NA, 22L)) filter <- c(filter, c(0L, 1L, NA, 0L)) chrom <- paste("chr", rep(c(1,2), c(length(ranges), length(range2))), sep="") rd <- RangedData(both, score, filter, splitter = chrom, annotation = "hg18") rd[["score"]] # identical to score rd[1][["score"]] # identical to score[1:3] ## subsetting ## list style: [i] rd[numeric()] # these three are all empty rd[logical()] rd[NULL] rd[] # missing, full instance returned rd[FALSE] # logical, supports recycling rd[c(FALSE, FALSE)] # same as above rd[TRUE] # like rd[] rd[c(TRUE, FALSE)] rd[1] # numeric index rd[c(1,2)] rd[-2] ## matrix style: [i,j] rd[,NULL] # no columns rd[NULL,] # no rows rd[,1] rd[,1:2] rd[,"filter"] rd[1,] # now by the rows rd[c(1,3),] rd[1:2, 1] # row and column rd[c(1:2,1,3),1] ## repeating rows ## variable replacement count <- c(1L, 0L, 2L) rd <- RangedData(ranges, count, splitter = c(1, 2, 1)) ## adding a variable score <- c(10L, 2L, NA) rd[["score"]] <- score rd[["score"]] # same as 'score' ## replacing a variable count2 <- c(1L, 1L, 0L) rd[["count"]] <- count2 ## numeric index also supported rd[[2]] <- score rd[[2]] # gets 'score' ## removing a variable rd[[2]] <- NULL ncol(rd) # is only 1 ## combining/splitting rd <- RangedData(ranges, score, splitter = c(1, 2, 1)) c(rd[1], rd[2]) # equal to 'rd' rd2 <- RangedData(ranges, score) unlist(split(rd2, c(1, 2, 1))) # same as 'rd' } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}