\name{LinearAssignment} \alias{LinearAssignment} \title{Solve linear assignment problem} \description{ Solve the linear assignment problem specified by the cost matrix. } \usage{ LinearAssignment(matrix) } \arguments{ \item{matrix}{cost matrix} } \value{ The return value is a permutation vector equal to the solution of the linear assignment problem specified by the cost matrix. The result is the permutation P for which MP is minimal (where M is the cost matrix). } \details{ This function solves the linear assignment problem defined by the input matrix. [Jonker, Volgenant 1987] } \examples{ m <- matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5) px <- LinearAssignment(round(-1000 * (m / max(abs(m))))) m[px,] } \references{ Jonker, R & Volgenant, A. (1987) Computing 38, 325--340. } \author{Joern P. Meier, Michal Kolar, Ville Mustonen, Michael Laessig, and Johannes Berg} \keyword{misc}