\name{InitialAlignment} \alias{InitialAlignment} \title{Create initial alignment} \description{ Create a permutation for an initial alignment. Either "random" or "reciprocal" may be specified as the mode argument. } \usage{ InitialAlignment(psize, r=NA, mode="random") } \arguments{ \item{psize}{size of the alignment} \item{r}{node similarity score matrix (required for mode 'reciprocal')} \item{mode}{type of initial alignment} } \value{ The return value is a permutation vector of the specified size. } \details{ To create a random initial alignment of size psize, the \link{InitialAlignment} function can be used with the mode argument set to "random". If mode is set to "reciprocal", a reciprocal best match algorithm is applied to the input matrix R to find an initial alignment. This mode requires that the psize argument is sufficiently large to allow for the addition of dummy nodes to which unaligned nodes can formally be aligned. } \examples{ ex<-GenerateExample(dimA=22, dimB=22, filling=.5, covariance=.6, symmetric=TRUE, numOrths=10, correlated=seq(1,18)) pinitial<-InitialAlignment(psize=34, r=ex$r, mode="reciprocal") } \author{Joern P. Meier, Michal Kolar, Ville Mustonen, Michael Laessig, and Johannes Berg} \keyword{misc}