\name{getpvalue} \alias{getpvalue} \title{Function to obtain P values from the Edge permutation and Node permutation tests respectively} \description{The function takes as inputs two adjacency matrices. Let X denote the observed number of edges in common between the two adjacency matrices. To test the significance of the correlation between the two data sources, the function performs N random edge permutations and random node permutations respectively. For each permutation test, the function outputs the proportion of N realizations that resulted in X edges or more at the intersection of the two datasources} \usage{getpvalue(act.mat, nonact.mat, num.iterations = 1000)} \arguments{ \item{act.mat}{Adjacency matrix corresponding to first data source. That is, the i,j element of this matrix is 1 if data source one specifies a functional link between genes i and j } \item{nonact.mat}{Adjacency matrix corresponding to first data source. That is, the i,j element of this matrix is 1 if data source two specifies a functional link between genes i and j} \item{num.iterations}{Number of realizations from random edge (node) permutation to be obtained} } \details{We note that the first adjacency matrix, denoted act.mat is the data source that is permutated with respect to edges or notes} \value{A vector of length 2, where the first element is the P value from Random Edge Permutation and the second element is the P value from Random Node Permutation} \author{Raji Balasubramanian \email{rbalasub@hsph.harvard.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{permEdgesM2M}}, \code{\link{permNodesM2M}}, \code{\link{makeClustM}}} \examples{ act.mat <- matrix(0,3,3) act.mat[2,1] <- 1 act.mat[3,1] <- 1 nonact.mat <- matrix(0,3,3) nonact.mat[2,1] <- 1 nonact.mat[3,2] <- 1 p.val <- getpvalue(act.mat, nonact.mat, num.iterations = 100) print(p.val) } \keyword{htest}