\name{pathways} \alias{pathways} \docType{data} \title{Cancer related pathways } \description{A list of nine cancer related pathways corresponding to the van t'Veer data. Each element contains a vector gene names corresponding to those in the data set. } \usage{data(pathways)} \format{ The format is: \cr \code{List of 9} \cr \code{$ androgen_receptor_signaling: chr [1:72] "AW025529" "NM_001648" "NM_001753" "NM_003298" ...}\cr \code{$ apoptosis : chr [1:187] "AB033060" "NM_002341" "NM_002342" "AI769763" ...} \cr \code{$ cell_cycle_control : chr [1:31] "NM_001759" "NM_001760" "NM_001786" "NM_001789" ...} \cr \code{$ notch_delta_signalling : chr [1:34] "NM_002405" "AL133036" "NM_003260" "NM_004316" ...} \cr \code{$ p53_signalling : chr [1:33] "NM_002307" "NM_002392" "NM_003352" "NM_002745" ...}\cr \code{$ ras_signalling : chr [1:266] "D25274" "AI033397" "NM_003029" "NM_001626" ...}\cr \code{$ tgf_beta_signaling : chr [1:82] "NM_003036" "AI090812" "AI697699" "AI760298" ...} \cr \code{$ tight_junction_signaling : chr [1:326] "D25274" "AA604213" "AF018081" "NM_003005" ...} \cr \code{$ wnt_signaling : chr [1:176] "AB033058" "AB033087" "NM_003012" "NM_003014" ...} } \examples{ data(pathways) #str(pathways) } \keyword{datasets}