\name{geneRegionBiomart} \alias{geneRegionBiomart} \title{Construct an AnnotationTrack object from biomaRt.} \description{ This function constructs an AnnotationTrack object from Biomart. It is a convenience function. } \usage{ geneRegionBiomart(chr, start, end, strand, biomart, dp = NULL, chrFunction = function(x) x, strandFunction = function(x) x) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{chr}{\code{chr} An integer} \item{start}{\code{start} The start location } \item{end}{\code{end} The end location } \item{strand}{\code{strand} An integer -1, 0, 1} \item{biomart}{\code{biomart} A mart} \item{dp}{\code{dp} DisplayPars object} \item{chrFunction}{\code{chrFunction} A function which takes \code{chr} and converts it into the correct representation for biomaRt. For instance yeast likes to have chromosomes as roman numerals so you can use as.roman here.} \item{strandFunction}{\code{strandFunction} Analagous to chrFunction, but for strand. The internal representation of strand is -1,0,1 whereas biomaRt has different species dependent representations.} } \value{ An AnnotationTrack object. } \author{James Bullard} \examples{ } \keyword{hplot}