\name{gdPlot} \alias{gdPlot} \title{gdPlot is the main plotting function of the GenomeGraphs package} \description{ gdPlot is the main plotting function of the GenomeGraphs package. A collection of objects are given as a list and these will then be plotten in the order given. } \usage{gdPlot(gdObjects, minBase = NA, maxBase = NA, overlays = NULL, labelColor = "black", labelCex = 1, labelRot = 90) } \arguments{ \item{gdObjects}{ This is either a list of \code{gdObjects} which will be plotted from top to bottom or a single \code{gdObjects} to be plotted. } \item{minBase}{ \code{minBase} defines the minimum base that will be plotted, if ommitted a minimum is determined from the objects in \code{gdObjects} if possible. } \item{maxBase}{\code{maxBase} defines the maximum base that will be plotted,if ommitted a minimum is determined from the objects in \code{gdObjects} if possible. } \item{overlays}{\code{overlays} defines a set of regions to overlay on the plot. This argument is either a list or a single Overlay object. } \item{labelColor}{Draw the labels with the given colors.} \item{labelCex}{Character expansion factor.} \item{labelRot}{Rotate the track labels \code{labelRot} degrees.} } \references{http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~steffen/} \author{Steffen Durinck and James Bullard} \examples{ data("exampleData", package="GenomeGraphs") minbase = min(probestart) maxbase = max(probestart) mart = useMart("ensembl", dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl") genesplus = new("GeneRegion", start = minbase, end = maxbase, strand = "+", chromosome = "3", biomart=mart) genesmin = new("GeneRegion", start = minbase, end = maxbase, strand = "-", chromosome = "3", biomart=mart) seg <- new("Segmentation", segments = segments, segmentStart = segStart, segmentEnd = segEnd, dp = DisplayPars(color = "dodgerblue2", lwd=2,lty = "dashed")) cop <- new("GenericArray", intensity = cn, probeStart = probestart, segmentation = seg, dp = DisplayPars(size=3, color = "seagreen", type="dot")) ideog = new("Ideogram", chromosome = "3") expres = new("GenericArray", intensity = intensity, probeStart = exonProbePos, dp = DisplayPars(color="darkred", type="point")) genomeAxis = new("GenomeAxis", add53 = TRUE, add35=TRUE) gdPlot(list(ideog,expres,cop,genesplus,genomeAxis,genesmin), minBase = minbase, maxBase =maxbase) } \keyword{hplot}