% datasets.Rd %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % What: Pedigree and data examples % $Id: datasets.Rd 28616 2007-11-09 19:11:24Z d.henderson $ % Time-stamp: <2007-04-19 02:36:38 ggorjan> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \name{Mrode} \alias{Falconer} \alias{Falconer5.1} \alias{Mrode} \alias{Mrode2.1} \alias{Mrode3.1} \docType{data} \title{Pedigree and data examples} \description{Various pedigree and data examples} \usage{ data(Falconer5.1) data(Mrode2.1) data(Mrode3.1) } \format{ \code{Falconer5.1} is a rather complex (inbreed) pedigree example from book by Falconer and Mackay (1996) - page 84 with 18 individuals and following columns: \describe{ \item{sub}{individual} \item{fat}{father} \item{mot}{mother} } \code{Mrode2.1} is an extended pedigree example from book by Mrode (2005) - page 27 with 6 individuals and following columns: \describe{ \item{sub}{individual} \item{fat}{father} \item{mot}{mother} \item{fam}{family} \item{sex}{sex} \item{gen}{generation} \item{dtB}{date of birth} } \code{Mrode3.1} is a pedigree and data example from book by Mrode (2005) - page 43: it shows a beef breeding scenario with 8 individuals (animals), where 5 of them have phenotypic records (pre-weaning gain) and 3 three of them are without records and link others through the pedigree: \describe{ \item{calf}{calf} \item{sex}{sex of a calf} \item{sire}{father of a calf} \item{dam}{mother of a calf} \item{pwg}{pre-weaning gain of a calf in kg} } } \references{ Falconer, D. S. and Mackay, T. F. C. (1996) Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 4th edition. Longman, Essex, U.K. \url{http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0582243025} Mrode, R. A. (2005) Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding values. 2nd edition. CAB International. ISBN 0-85199-000-2 \url{http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0851990002} } \examples{ data(Falconer5.1) Pedigree(x=Falconer5.1, subject="sub", ascendant=c("fat", "mot")) data(Mrode2.1) Mrode2.1$dtB <- as.Date(Mrode2.1$dtB) Pedigree(x=Mrode2.1, subject="sub", ascendant=c("fat", "mot"), ascendantSex=c("M", "F"), family="fam", sex="sex", generation="gen", dtBirth="dtB") data(Mrode3.1) Pedigree(x=Mrode3.1, subject="calf", ascendant=c("sire", "dam"), ascendantSex=c("Male", "Female"), sex="sex") } \keyword{datasets} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % datasets.Rd ends here