\name{makeMarkerInfo} \alias{makeMarkerInfo} \title{makeMarkerInfo creates a dataframe of marker information } \description{ An auxilliary funtion to create a dataframe for the slot markerInfo of class geneSet } \usage{ makeMarkerInfo(loci = character(0), transTable = loci) } \arguments{ \item{loci}{ a vector of makrer loci } \item{transTable}{ corresponding translation table for the markers at each locus.must have same length with vector loci } } \details{ } \value{ A dataframe with one row for each row in the callCodes slot of class geneSet. Include columns "Name" and "TransTable". } \author{ Scott Chasalow \email{Scott.Chasalow@bms.com}, Junsheng Cheng \email{cjsuicedu@yahoo.com} } \examples{ } \keyword{misc}