\name{oneGOGraph} \alias{oneGOGraph} \alias{GOGraph} \alias{getGoGraph} \alias{getGoGraph,GOHyperGParams,character-method} \title{Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves. } \description{ Given one or more GO identifiers (which indicate the leaves in the graph) and a set of mappings to the less specific sets of nodes this function will construct the graph that includes that node and all children down to the root node for the ontology. } \usage{ oneGOGraph(x, dataenv) GOGraph(x, dataenv) getGoGraph(p, goIds) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A character vector of GO identifiers. } \item{dataenv}{ An environment for finding the parents of that term. } \item{p}{A \code{GOHyperGParams} instance.} \item{goIds}{A character vector providing the GO term IDs.} } \details{ For any set of GO identifiers (from a common ontology) we define the induced GO graph to be that graph, based on the DAG structure (child - parent) of the GO ontology of terms, which takes the most specific set of GO terms that apply (for that ontology) and then joins these to all less specific terms. These functions help construct such graphs. } \value{ The induced GO graph (or NULL) for the given GO identifier. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{makeGOGraph}}} \examples{ g1 <- oneGOGraph("GO:0003680", GOMFPARENTS) g2 <- oneGOGraph("GO:0003701", GOMFPARENTS) g3 <- join(g1, g2) g4 <- GOGraph(c("GO:0003680", "GO:0003701"), GOMFPARENTS) if( require("Rgraphviz") && interactive() ) plot(g3) } \keyword{manip}