\name{as.profileCGH} \encoding{latin1} \title{Create an object of class profileCGH} \alias{as.profileCGH} \alias{as.profileCGH.data.frame} \description{Create an object of class profileCGH.} \usage{ as.profileCGH(object,...) \method{as.profileCGH}{data.frame}(object, infaction=c("value","empty"), value=20, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A data.frame to be convert into profileCGH.} \item{infaction}{If "value" then the LogRatio with infinite values (-Inf, Inf) are replace by + or - \code{value} according to the sign. If "empty" then NAs are put instead.} \item{value}{replace Inf by \code{value} if \code{infaction} is "value".} \item{...}{} } \value{ \item{ }{A list with the following attributes} \item{profileValues}{A data.frame} \item{profileValuesNA}{A data.frame} } \details{The data.frame to be convert must at least contain the following fields: LogRatio, PosOrder, and Chromosome. If the field Chromosome is of mode character, it is automatically converted into a numeric vector (see \code{\link{ChrNumeric}}); a field ChromosomeChar contains the character labels. The data.frame to be converted into a profileCGH objet is split into two data.frame: profileValuesNA contains the rows for which there is at least a missing value for either LogRatio, PosOrder or Chromosome; profileValues contains the remaining rows.} \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{glad@curie.fr}} \seealso{\code{\link{as.data.frame.profileCGH}}} \keyword{manip} \examples{ data(snijders) ### Creation of "profileCGH" object profileCGH <- as.profileCGH(gm13330) attributes(profileCGH) }