\name{hbTests-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{hbTests-methods} \alias{hbTests} \alias{hbTests,genesym,smlSet,chrnum,numeric,numeric-method} \title{ haplotype-block based tests for structured expression variation } \description{ haplotype-block based tests for structured expression variation } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{fmla = "genesym", sms = "smlSet", cnum = "chrnum", rsid = "numeric", rad = "numeric"}{ expression data for gene identified by \code{genesym} is extracted from \code{sms}, and genotype data within \code{rad} base pairs of \code{rsid} are obtained and processed by \code{\link[mapLD]{mapLD}} to define haplotype blocks and the SNP tagging these blocks. Score tests are then computed for the association of expression of the gene identified by \code{genesym} with haplotype copy number (additive model by default, but options captured by ... are passed to \code{\link[haplo.stats]{haplo.score}}.) } }} \examples{ library(GGtools) data(hmceuB36.2021) hmFou = hmceuB36.2021[, hmceuB36.2021$isFounder==TRUE] hh = hbTests(genesym("CPNE1"), hmFou, chrnum(20), 33600000, 2e4 ) hh pvals(hh) plot(locs(hh), -log10(pvals(hh))) hscores(hh)[[which.min(pvals(hh))]] } \keyword{methods}