\name{gwSnpTests} \alias{gwSnpTests} \alias{residTests} \alias{residTests,cwSnpScreenResult,smlSet,formula,missing-method} \alias{gwSnpScreen} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,cnumOrMissing-method} \alias{gwSnpTests,formula,smlSet,snpdepth-method} \title{methods for iterating association tests (expression vs SNP) across genomes or chromosomes} \description{methods for iterating association tests (expression vs SNP) across genomes or chromosomes} \usage{ gwSnpTests(sym, sms, cnum, ...) } \arguments{ \item{sym}{ genesym, probeId, or formula instance} \item{sms}{ smlSet instance} \item{cnum}{ chrnum instance or missing} \item{\dots}{ \dots} } \details{ invokes snpMatrix test procedures as appropriate gwSnpScreen is deprecated and simply throws a message indicating this. } \value{ gwSnpScreenResult or cwSnpScreenResult instance } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ if (!exists("hmceuB36.2021")) data(hmceuB36.2021) # condense to founders only hmFou = hmceuB36.2021[, which(hmceuB36.2021$isFounder)] # show basic formula fit f1 = gwSnpTests(genesym("CPNE1")~male, hmFou, chrnum(20)) f1 plot(f1) # show how to avoid adjusted fit f1b = gwSnpTests(genesym("CPNE1")~1-1, hmFou, chrnum(20)) # show gene set modeling on chromosome library(GSEABase) gs1 = GeneSet(c("CPNE1", "ADA")) geneIdType(gs1) = SymbolIdentifier() f2 = gwSnpTests(gs1~male, hmFou, chrnum(20)) f2 names(f2) plot(f2[["ADA"]]) # show 'smlSet-wide' fit f3 = gwSnpTests(gs1~male, hmFou) f3 } \keyword{ models }