\name{image,Image-method} \docType{class} \alias{hist,Image-method} \alias{show,Image-method} \alias{image,Image-method} \alias{[,Image-method} \alias{Arith} \alias{print.Image} \alias{print.IndexedImage} \alias{median.Image} \alias{as.Image} \alias{as.Image,array-method} \concept{image processing} \concept{image class} \concept{image object} \title{ Generic methods for objects of class Image } \description{ \code{\linkS4class{Image}} supports all (or almost all) operations that are defined for \code{\link{array}}. However, the default behavior of some generics was redefined in the package to better suit the class. Those are: } \section{ Generic methods }{ \describe{ \item{\code{show(object)} }{ Prints a summary of image and properties (as described in 'Accessor methods' section). Prints also an excerpt of data keeping it to the minimum just to have a visual control over the atomic data type. Use\code{imageData(x)} to print or assign the full dataset. If image was put through the object detection algorithm a summary of detected objects will be printed instead of data. } \item{\code{as.array(x)}}{ Removed to avoid incompatibilities with R < 2.5. Use \code{\link{imageData}} instead. } \item{\code{as.matrix(x, ...)}}{ Removed to avoid incompatibilities with R < 2.5. Use \code{as.matrix(\link{imageData}(x))} instead. } \item{\code{hist(x, ...)}}{ A histogramme method. } \item{\code{median(x, na.rm=FALSE)}}{ \code{stats:\link{median}} redefinition for images (bug workaround: without it \code{median} takes forever to execute without no apparent reason)} \item{\code{image(x, ...)}}{ Draws image data using \code{graphics::image} keeping image aspect ratio. } \item{\code{[}}{ Redefined versions (multiple signatures) of the \code{\link{array}} subsetting operator. These return objects of class \code{Image} without dropping dimensions. } \item{\code{Arith}}{ Redefined arithmetic operators acting on any combination of \code{Image} with another \code{Image} or \code{array} will return an object of class \code{Image}. } \item{\code{as.Image)(x, ...)}}{ S4 method for the signature \code{x=array}. Is equivalent to \code{Image(x)} when \code{x} is \code{array}.} } Other important methods that directly applicable due to inheritance from the \code{\link{array}} class, just to stress that they can and should be used: \describe{ \item{\code{\link{dim}(x)} and \code{dim(x) <- value} }{ Gets and sets image dimensions. } \item{\code{\link{fft}(z, inverse = FALSE)}}{ Performs the Fast Fourier Transformation on an Image. } \item{\code{\link{sqrt}(x)} etc.}{ Miscellaneous mathematical functions. } } } \seealso{ \code{ \linkS4class{Image}, \linkS4class{IndexedImage} } } \author{ Oleg Sklyar, \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk}, 2006-2007 } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}