\name{db.explain} \alias{db.explain} \title{Explain an atom-pair descriptor or an array of atom-pair descriptors} \description{ 'db.explain' will take an atom-pair descriptor in numeric or a set of such descriptors, and interpret what they represent in a more human readable way. } \usage{ db.explain(desc) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{desc}{The descriptor or the array/vector of descriptors} } \details{ 'desc' can be a single numeric giving a single descriptor or can be any container data type, such as vector or array, such that 'length(desc)' returns 2 or larger. } \value{ Return a character vector describing the descriptors. } \seealso{\code{\link{cmp.parse}}} \examples{ # load sample database from web db <- cmp.parse("http://bioweb.ucr.edu/ChemMineV2/static/example_db.sdf") # explain descriptor 1 of compound 1 db.explain(db$descdb[[1]][[1]]) # explain descriptor 1 to 10 of compound 1 db.explain(db$descdb[[1]][1:10]) # explain all descriptors of compound 1 db.explain(db$descdb[[1]]) } \keyword{utilities}