\name{plot} \alias{plot,tuningresult-method} \alias{plot,tuningresult,missing-method} \title{Visualize results of tuning} \description{ After hyperparameter tuning using \code{\link{tune}} it is useful to see which choice of hyperparameters is suitable and how good the performance is.} \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link{tuningresult}}.} \item{iter}{Iteration number (\code{learningset}) for which tuning results should be displayed.} \item{which}{Character vector (maximum length is two) naming the arguments for which tuning results should be display. Default is \code{NULL}; if the number of tuned hyperparameter is less or equal than two, then the results for these hyperparameters will be plotted. If this number is two, then a \code{contour} plot will be made, otherwise a simple line segment plot. If the number of tuned hyperparameters exceeds two, then which may not be \code{NULL}.} \item{\dots}{Further graphical options passed either to \code{plot} or \code{contour}.} } \note{Frequently, several hyperparameter (combinations) perform "best", s. also the remark in \code{\link{best}}.} \value{no return.} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \seealso{\code{\link{tune}}, \code{\link{tuningresult}}} \keyword{multivariate}