\name{filter} \alias{ttest} \alias{welchtest} \alias{wilcoxtest} \alias{ftest} \alias{kruskaltest} \alias{limmatest} \alias{golubcrit} \alias{rfe} \title{Filter functions for Gene Selection} \description{The functions listed above are usually not called by the user but via \code{\link{GeneSelection}}.} \usage{ ttest(X, y, learnind, ...) welchtest(X, y, learnind, ...) ftest(X, y, learnind,...) kruskaltest(X, y, learnind,...) limmatest(X, y, learnind,...) golubcrit(X, y, learnind,...) rfe(X, y, learnind,...) } \arguments{ \item{X}{A \code{numeric} matrix of gene expression values.} \item{y}{A \code{numeric} vector of class labels.} \item{learnind}{An index vector specifying the observations that belong to the learning set.} \item{...}{Currently unused argument.}} \value{An object of class \code{\link{varseloutput}}.} \keyword{multivariate}