\name{best} \alias{best,tuningresult-method} \alias{best} \title{Show best hyperparameter settings} \description{ In this package hyperparameter tuning is performed by an inner cross-validation step for each \code{learningset}. A grid of values is tried and evaluated in terms of the misclassification rate, the results are saved in an object of class \code{\link{tuningresult}}. This method displays (separately for each \code{learningset}) the hyperparameter/ hyperparameter combination that showed the best results. Note that this must not be unique; in this case, only one combination is displayed. } \usage{ best(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{\link{tuningresult}}.} \item{\dots}{Currently unused argument.} } \value{A list with elements equal to the number of different learningsets. Each element contains the best hyperparameter combination and the corresponding misclassification rate.} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \seealso{\code{tune}} \keyword{multivariate}