\name{BioStringNewValues} \alias{BioStringNewValues} \title{generic to do create an object suitable for the values slot of "BioStrings" class} \description{ This generic creates an external vector object that contains (in its tag field) an R vector (of type either \code{INTSXP} or \code{CHARSXP}) of the given length. The actual type is determined according to the size of the alphabet. } \usage{ BioStringNewValues(alphabet, length.string) } \arguments{ \item{alphabet}{ An object of class "BioAlphabet" } \item{length.string}{ An integer, the length of the storage in the result } } \value{ An external pointer. } \author{Saikat DebRoy} \seealso{\code{\link{BioString-class}} for the class which uses this generic during its initialization and \code{\link{BioAlphabet-class}} for the class of the \code{alphabet} parameter.} \examples{ BioStringNewValues(DNAAlphabet(), 0) } \keyword{classes} \keyword{internal}