\name{readExpressionSet} \alias{readExpressionSet} \concept{ExpressionSet} \title{Read 'ExpressionSet'} \description{ Create an instance of class ExpressionSet by reading data from files. \sQuote{widget} functionality is not implemented for readExpressionSet. } \usage{ readExpressionSet(exprsFile, phenoDataFile, experimentDataFile, notesFile, path, annotation, ## arguments to read.* methods exprsArgs=list(sep=sep, header=header, row.names=row.names, quote=quote, ...), phenoDataArgs=list(sep=sep, header=header, row.names=row.names, quote=quote, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...), experimentDataArgs=list(sep=sep, header=header, row.names=row.names, quote=quote, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1L, ## widget widget = getOption("BioC")$Base$use.widgets, ...) } \arguments{ \item{exprsFile}{(character) File or connection from which to read expression values. The file should contain a matrix with rows as features and columns as samples. \code{\link{read.table}} is called with this as its \code{file} argument and further arguments given by \code{exprsArgs}.} \item{phenoDataFile}{(character) File or connection from which to read phenotypic data. \code{\link{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}} is called with this as its \code{file} argument and further arguments given by \code{phenoDataArgs}.} \item{experimentDataFile}{(character) File or connection from which to read experiment data. \code{\link{read.MIAME}} is called with this as its \code{file} argument and further arguments given by \code{experimentDataArgs}.} \item{notesFile}{(character) File or connection from which to read notes; \code{\link{readLines}} is used to input the file.} \item{path}{(optional) directory in which to find all the above files.} \item{annotation}{(character) A single character string indicating the annotation associated with this ExpressionSet.} \item{exprsArgs}{A list of arguments to be used with \code{\link{read.table}} when reading in the expression matrix.} \item{phenoDataArgs}{A list of arguments to be used (with \code{\link{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}}) when reading the phenotypic data.} \item{experimentDataArgs}{A list of arguments to be used (with \code{\link{read.MIAME}}) when reading the experiment data.} \item{sep, header, quote, stringsAsFactors, row.names}{arguments used by the \code{\link{read.table}}-like functions.} \item{widget}{A boolean value indicating whether widgets can be used. Widgets are NOT yet implemented for \code{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments that can be passed on to the \code{\link{read.table}}-like functions.} } \details{ Expression values are read using the \code{\link{read.table}} function. Phenotypic data are read using the \code{\link{read.AnnotatedDataFrame}} function. Experiment data are read using the \code{\link{read.MIAME}} function. Notes are read using the \code{\link{readLines}} function. The return value must be a valid \code{ExpressionSet}. Only the \code{exprsFile} argument is required. } \value{ An instance of the \code{\link[ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}} class. } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{\code{\link{ExpressionSet}} for additional methods.} \examples{ exprsFile = system.file("extdata", "exprsData.txt", package="Biobase") phenoFile = system.file("extdata", "pData.txt", package="Biobase") ## Read ExpressionSet with appropriate parameters obj = readExpressionSet(exprsFile, phenoFile, sep = "\t", header=TRUE) obj } \keyword{file} \keyword{manip}