\name{read.AnnotatedDataFrame} \alias{read.AnnotatedDataFrame} \concept{AnnotatedDataFrame} \title{Read 'AnnotatedDataFrame'} \description{ Create an instance of class AnnotatedDataFrame by reading a file. } \usage{ read.AnnotatedDataFrame(filename, path, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1L, varMetadata.char="#", widget = getOption("BioC")$Base$use.widgets, sampleNames = character(0), ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{file or connection from which to read.} \item{path}{(optional) directory in which to find \code{filename}.} \item{row.names}{this argument gets passed on to \code{\link{read.table}} and will be used for the row names of the phenoData slot.} \item{varMetadata.char}{lines beginning with this character are used for the \code{varMetadata} slot. See examples.} \item{sep, header, quote, stringsAsFactors, ...}{further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link{read.table}}.} \item{widget}{logical. Currently this is \emph{not} implemented, and setting this option to \code{TRUE} will result in an error. In a precursor of this function, \code{read.phenoData}, this option could be used to open an interactive GUI widget for entering the data.} \item{sampleNames}{optional argument that could be used in conjunction with \code{widget}; do not use.} } \details{ The function \code{\link{read.table}} is used to read \code{pData}. The argument \code{varMetadata.char} is passed on to that function as its argument \code{comment.char}. Lines beginning with \code{varMetadata.char} are expected to contain further information on the column headers of \code{pData}. The format is of the form: \code{# variable: textual explanation of the variable, units, measurement method, etc.} (assuming that \code{#} is the value of \code{varMetadata.char}). See also examples. } \value{ An instance of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} } \author{Martin Morgan and Wolfgang Huber, based on \code{read.phenoData} by Rafael A. Irizarry.} \seealso{\code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}} for additional methods, \code{\link{read.table}} for details of reading in phenotypic data} \examples{ exampleFile = system.file("extdata", "pData.txt", package="Biobase") adf <- read.AnnotatedDataFrame(exampleFile) adf head(pData(adf)) head(readLines(exampleFile)) } \keyword{file} \keyword{manip}