\name{makeDataPackage} \alias{makeDataPackage} \alias{makeDataPackage,ANY-method} \title{Make an R package from a data object} \description{ This generic creates a valid R package from an R data object. } \usage{ makeDataPackage(object, author, email, packageName=deparse(substitute(object)), packageVersion=package_version("1.0.0"), license="Artistic-2.0", biocViews="ExperimentData", filePath=tempdir(), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An instance of an R data object.} \item{author}{The author, as a character string.} \item{email}{A valid email address for the maintainer, as a character string.} \item{packageName}{The name of the package, defaults to the name of the object instance.} \item{packageVersion}{The version number, as a character string.} \item{license}{The license, as a character string.} \item{biocViews}{A character vector of valid biocViews views.} \item{filePath}{The location to create the package.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to specific methods.} } \details{ The function makes use of various tools in R and Bioconductor to automatically generate the source files for a valid R package. } \value{ The return value is that from a call to \code{link{createPackage}} which is invoked once the default arguments are set up. The data instance is stored in the data directory with a name the same as that of the resulting package. } \note{Developers implementing derived methods might force correct package name evaluation by including 'packageName' in any \code{callNextMethod()}.} \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{createPackage}}} \examples{ data(sample.ExpressionSet) ## package created in tempdir() s1 <- makeDataPackage(sample.ExpressionSet, author = "Foo Author", email = "foo@bar", packageName = "FooBarPkg", packageVersion = "1.0.0") } \keyword{manip}