\name{data:sample.MultiSet} \alias{data:sample.MultiSet} \alias{sample.MultiSet} \docType{data} \title{Data set of class 'MultiSet'} \usage{data(sample.MultiSet)} \format{ The data for 4 cases, labeled a to d and 500 genes. Each case has five covariates: SlideNumber: number; FileName: name; Cy3: genotype labelled Cy3; Cy5: genotype labelled Cy5; Date: date. } \description{ The expression data are real but anonymized. The data are from an experiment that used Affymetrix U95v2 chips. The data were processed by dChip and then exported to R for analysis. The phenoData, standard error estimates, and description data are fake. } \examples{ data(sample.MultiSet) } \keyword{datasets}