\name{data:geneData} \alias{data:geneData} \alias{geneData} \alias{data:geneCov} \alias{geneCov} \alias{data:geneCovariate} \alias{geneCovariate} \alias{data:seD} \alias{seD} \docType{data} \title{Sample expression matrix and phenotype data.frames.} \usage{data(geneData)} \description{ The \code{geneData} data.frame has 500 rows and 26 columns. It consists of a subset of real expression data from an Affymetrix U95v2 chip. The data are anonymous. The covariate data \code{geneCov} and \code{geneCovariate} are made up. The standard error data \code{seD} is also made up. } \format{ A 500 by 26 data frame. } \source{ The J. Ritz Laboratory (S. Chiaretti). } \examples{ data(geneData) data(geneCovariate) data(seD) } \keyword{datasets}