\name{abstract} \alias{abstract} \alias{pubMedIds} \alias{pubMedIds<-} \alias{experimentData} \alias{experimentData<-} \title{Retrieve Meta-data from eSets and ExpressionSets.} \description{ These generic functions access generic data, abstracts, PubMed IDs and experiment data from instances of the \code{\link{eSet-class}} or \code{\link{ExpressionSet-class}}. } \usage{ abstract(object) pubMedIds(object) pubMedIds(object) <- value experimentData(object) experimentData(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object, possibly derived from \code{eSet-class} or \code{MIAME-class}} \item{value}{Value to be assigned; see class of \code{object} (e.g., \code{\link{eSet-class}}) for specifics.} } \value{ \code{abstract} returns a character vector containing the abstract (as in a published paper) associated with \code{object}. \code{pubMedIds} returns a character vector of PUBMED Ids associated with the experiment. \code{experimentData} returns an object representing the description of an experiment, e.g., an object of \code{\link{MIAME-class}} } \author{Biocore} \seealso{\code{\link{ExpressionSet-class}}, \code{\link{eSet-class}}, \code{\link{MIAME-class}}} \keyword{manip}