\name{Aggregate} \alias{Aggregate} \title{A Simple Aggregation Mechanism. } \description{ Given an environment and an aggregator (an object of class \code{aggregate} simple aggregations are made. } \usage{ Aggregate(x, agg) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The data to be aggregated. } \item{agg}{The aggregator to be used. } } \details{ Given some data, \code{x} the user can accumulate (or aggregate) information in \code{env} using the two supplied functions. See the accompanying documentation for a more complete example of this function and its use. } \value{ No value is returned. This function is evaluated purely for side effects. The symbols and values in \code{env} are altered. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{new.env}}, \code{\link{class:aggregator}} } \examples{ agg1 <- new("aggregator") Aggregate(letters[1:10], agg1) # the first 10 letters should be symbols in env1 with values of 1 Aggregate(letters[5:11], agg1) # now letters[5:10] should have value 2 bb <- mget(letters[1:11], env=aggenv(agg1), ifnotfound=NA) t1 <- as.numeric(bb); names(t1) <- names(bb) t1 # a b c d e f g h i j k # 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 } \keyword{programming} \keyword{methods}