\name{plotCompare} \alias{plotCompare} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Scatter plot with equal axes.} \description{ Plots a scatter plot of two variables with equal scales for the axes. } \usage{ plotCompare(var1, var2, limi = 0, xlab = substitute(var1), ylab = substitute(var2), log = "", title = "", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{var1}{ data to plot (x co-ordinate)} \item{var2}{ data to plot (y co-ordinate)} \item{limi}{ limits of axes. If not specified, axes limits are determined from input data.} \item{xlab}{ x-axis label} \item{ylab}{ y-axis label} \item{log}{ specifies if axes are on the log scale (as argument to 'par')} \item{title}{ title of plot} \item{\dots}{ other parameters input to plot} } \value{ Outputs the limits used in the plot (the input 'limi' argument if specified). } \author{ Alex Lewin} \keyword{ hplot } \examples{ x <- runif(100) y <- rbeta(100,0.5,0.5) plotCompare(x,y) }