\name{matchingSites} \docType{methods} \alias{matchingSites} \title{Report IUPAC consensus occurrences in a fasta file} \description{ This function reports all occurrences of a consensus sequence in a fasta file. It can be used to extract transcription factor binding sites predicted by BCRANK or other motif search methods. } \usage{ matchingSites(fafile, motifSequence, revComp=TRUE, strip.desc=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{fafile}{a ranked fasta file containing DNA sequences.} \item{motifSequence}{a character vector in IUPAC coding representing a DNA sequence.} \item{revComp}{set to TRUE if the reverse complement also be matched.} \item{strip.desc}{An argument used by the function \code{\link[Biostrings:readFASTA]{readFASTA()}}. It specifies whether or not the ">" marking at the beginning of description lines should be removed.} } \value{ Returns a data frame with positions, strand and DNA sequence for the matching sites. } \author{Adam Ameur, \email{adam.ameur@lcb.uu.se}} \seealso{ \code{\link{bcrank}} } \references{ Ameur, A., Rada-Iglesias, A., Komorowski, J., Wadelius, C. Novel algorithm and ChIP-analysis identifies candidate functional SNPs. Submitted } \keyword{methods}