### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/leeBamViews/inst/doc/leeViews.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: lkd ################################################### library(leeBamViews) # bam files stored in package bpaths = dir(system.file("bam", package="leeBamViews"), full=TRUE, patt="bam$") # # extract genotype and lane information from filenames # gt = gsub(".*/", "", bpaths) gt = gsub("_.*", "", gt) lane = gsub(".*(.)$", "\\1", gt) geno = gsub(".$", "", gt) # # format the sample-level information appropriately # pd = DataFrame(geno=geno, lane=lane, row.names=paste(geno,lane,sep=".")) prd = new("DataFrame") # protocol data could go here # # create the views object, adding some arbitrary experiment-level information # bs1 = BamViews(bamPaths=bpaths, bamSamples=pd, bamExperiment=list(annotation="org.Sc.sgd.db")) bs1 # # get some sample-level data # bamSamples(bs1)$geno ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: lkc ################################################### START=c(861250, 863000) END=c(862750, 864000) exc = GRanges(seqnames="Scchr13", IRanges(start=START, end=END), strand="+") bamRanges(bs1) = exc bs1 ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: lkcov ################################################### covex = RleList(lapply(bamPaths(bs1), function(x) coverage(readGAlignments(x))[["Scchr13"]])) names(covex) = gsub(".bam$", "", basename(bamPaths(bs1))) head(covex, 3) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: addso ################################################### library(GenomeGraphs) cov2baseTrack = function(rle, start, end, dp = DisplayPars(type="l", lwd=0.5, color="black"), countTx=function(x)log10(x+1)) { require(GenomeGraphs) if (!is(rle, "Rle")) stop("requires instance of Rle") dat = runValue(rle) loc = cumsum(runLength(rle)) ok = which(loc >= start & loc <= end) makeBaseTrack(base = loc[ok], value=countTx(dat[ok]), dp=dp) } trs = lapply(covex, function(x) cov2baseTrack(x, START[1], END[1], countTx = function(x)pmin(x, 80))) ac = as.character names(trs) = paste(ac(bamSamples(bs1)$geno), ac(bamSamples(bs1)$lane), sep="") library(biomaRt) mart = useMart("ensembl", "scerevisiae_gene_ensembl") gr = makeGeneRegion(START, END, chromosome="XIII", strand="+", biomart=mart, dp=DisplayPars(plotId=TRUE, idRotation=0, idColor="black")) trs[[length(trs)+1]] = gr trs[[length(trs)+1]] = makeGenomeAxis() ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: lkf ################################################### print( gdPlot( trs, minBase=START[1], maxBase=END[1]) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: mkps (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## plotStrains = function(bs, query, start, end, snames, mart, chr, strand="+") { ## filtbs = bs[query, ] ## cov = lapply(filtbs, coverage) ## covtrs = lapply(cov, function(x) cov2baseTrack(x[[1]], start, end, ## countTx = function(x) pmin(x,80))) ## names(covtrs) = snames ## gr = makeGeneRegion(start, end, chromosome=chr, ## strand=strand, biomart=mart, dp=DisplayPars(plotId=TRUE, ## idRotation=0, idColor="black")) ## grm = makeGeneRegion(start, end, chromosome=chr, ## strand="-", biomart=mart, dp=DisplayPars(plotId=TRUE, ## idRotation=0, idColor="black")) ## covtrs[[length(covtrs)+1]] = gr ## covtrs[[length(covtrs)+1]] = makeGenomeAxis() ## covtrs[[length(covtrs)+1]] = grm ## gdPlot( covtrs, minBase=start, maxBase=end ) ## } ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: lkda (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## data(leeUnn) ## names(leeUnn) ## leeUnn[1:4,1:8] ## table(leeUnn$study) ## l13 = leeUnn[ leeUnn$chr == 13, ] ## l13d = na.omit(l13[ l13$study == "David", ]) ## d13r = GRanges(seqnames="Scchr13", IRanges( l13d$start, l13d$end ), ## strand=ifelse(l13d$strand==1, "+", ifelse(l13d$strand=="0", "*", "-"))) ## elementMetadata(d13r)$name = paste("dav13x", 1:length(d13r), sep=".") ## bamRanges(bs1) = d13r ## d13tab = tabulateReads( bs1 ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: makn ################################################### myrn = GRanges(seqnames="Scchr13", IRanges(start=seq(861250, 862750, 100), width=100), strand="+") elementMetadata(myrn)$name = paste("til", 1:length(myrn), sep=".") bamRanges(bs1) = myrn tabulateReads(bs1, "+") ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: ddee ################################################### library(org.Sc.sgd.db) library(IRanges) c13g = get("13", revmap(org.Sc.sgdCHR)) # all genes on chr13 c13loc = unlist(mget(c13g, org.Sc.sgdCHRLOC)) # their 'start' addresses c13locend = unlist(mget(c13g, org.Sc.sgdCHRLOCEND)) c13locp = c13loc[c13loc>0] # confine attention to + strand c13locendp = c13locend[c13locend>0] ok = !is.na(c13locp) & !is.na(c13locendp) c13pr = GRanges(seqnames="Scchr13", IRanges(c13locp[ok], c13locendp[ok]), strand="+") # store and clean up names elementMetadata(c13pr)$name = gsub(".13$", "", names(c13locp[ok])) c13pr c13pro = c13pr[ order(ranges(c13pr)), ] ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: dolim ################################################### lim = GRanges(seqnames="Scchr13", IRanges(800000,900000), strand="+") c13prol = c13pro[ which(overlapsAny(c13pro , lim) ), ] ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: getm ################################################### bamRanges(bs1) = c13prol annotab = tabulateReads(bs1, strandmarker="+") ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: gettot ################################################### totcnts = totalReadCounts(bs1) ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: lkedd ################################################### library(edgeR) # # construct an edgeR container for read counts, including # genotype and region (gene) metadata # dgel1 = DGEList( counts=t(annotab)[,-c(1,2)], group=factor(bamSamples(bs1)$geno), lib.size=totcnts, genes=colnames(annotab)) # # compute a dispersion factor for the negative binomial model # cd = estimateCommonDisp(dgel1) # # test for differential expression between two groups # for each region # et12 = exactTest(cd) # # display statistics for the comparison # tt12 = topTags(et12) tt12 ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: lkma ################################################### plotSmear(cd, cex=.8, ylim=c(-5,5)) text(tt12$table$logCPM, tt12$table$logFC+.15, as.character( tt12$table$genes), cex=.65) ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: lks ################################################### sessionInfo()