\section{Data access}\label{dataAccess} The interaction matrix can be loaded by <>= library("HD2013SGI") data("Interactions", package="HD2013SGI") @ The element \Robject{Interactions\$piscore} of this data object is a 6-dimensional array of $\pi$-scores, \Robject{Interactions\$padj} is a 5-dimensional array of BH-adjusted p-values, and \Robject{Interactions\$Anno} contains annotation for target genes, query genes, and phenotypes. You can type <>= ? Interactions @ to see the documentation of this data object. Similarly, you can use the \Robject{?} operator to obtain help on any of the below data objects; The following datasets are available: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Interactions} The genetic interaction data ($\pi$-scores, p-values, and annotation). {\bf This is the main data source of this package.} \item {\bf featuresPerWell} The screen data in screen order. \item {\bf datamatrixfull} The phenotype data of all pairwise genetic perturbation experiments before quality control and feature selection. \item {\bf QueryAnnotation} Annotation of all the query genes in the screen. \item {\bf TargetAnnotation} Annotation of all target genes in the screen. \item {\bf stabilitySelection} Results from the feature selection step. \item {\bf datamatrix} The phenotype data of all pairwise genetic perturbation experiments after quality control and feature selection. \item {\bf mainEffects} Estimated main effects (single knock down effect). \item {\bf nrOfInteractionsPerTarget} Number of interactions per target gene. \end{itemize} They are intermediate results of the analysis steps described in the following, precomputed and loadable for convenience.