Introduction to epivizr: interactive visualization for functional genomics =================================================================== [`Epiviz`]( is an interactive visualization tool for functional genomics data. It supports genome navigation like other genome browsers, but allows multiple visualizations of data within genomic regions using scatterplots, heatmaps and other user-supplied visualizations. It also includes data from the [Gene Expression Barcode project]( for transcriptome visualization. It has a flexible plugin framework so users can add [d3]( visualizations. You can find more information about Epiviz at []( and see a video tour [here]( The `epivizr` package implements two-way communication between the `R/Bioconductor` computational genomics environment and `Epiviz`. Objects in an `R` session can be displayed as tracks or plots on Epiviz. Epivizr uses Websockets for communication between the browser Javascript client and the R environmen, the same technology underlying the popular [Shiny]( system for authoring interactive web-based reports in R. ### Preliminaries: the data In this vignette we will look at colon cancer methylation data from the TCGA project and expression data from the gene expression barcode project. The `epivizrData` package contains human chromosome 11 methylation data from the Illumina 450kHumanMethylation beadarray processed with the `minfi` package. We use expression data from the `antiProfilesData` bioconductor package. ```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, results='hide', warning=FALSE, error=FALSE} require(epivizr) require(antiProfilesData) ``` ```{r} data(tcga_colon_example) data(apColonData) ``` The `colon_blocks` object is a `GRanges` object containing chromosome 11 regions of hypo or hyper methylation in colon cancer identified using the `blockFinder` function in the `minfi` package. ```{r} show(colon_blocks) ``` The columns `value` and `p.value` can be used to determine which of these regions, or blocks, are interesting by looking at a volcano plot for instance. ```{r, fig.width=4, fig.height=4, fig.align='center'} plot(colon_blocks$value, -log10(colon_blocks$p.value), main="Volcano plot", xlab="Avg. methylation difference", ylab="-log10 p-value",xlim=c(-.5,.5)) ``` The `colon_curves` object is another `GRanges` object which contains the basepair resolution methylation data used to define these regions. ```{r} show(colon_curves) ``` This basepair resolution data includes mean methylation levels for normal and cancer and a smoothed estimate of methylation difference. This smoothed difference estimate is used to define regions in the `colon_blocks` object. Finally, the `apColonData` object is an `ExpressionSet` containing gene expression data for colon normal and tumor samples for genes within regions of methylation loss identified [this paper]( Our goal in this vignette is to visualize this data as we browse the genome. ### The epivizr session manager The connection to `Epiviz` is managed through a session manager object of class `EpivizDeviceMgr`. We can create this object and open `Epiviz` using the `startEpiviz` function. ```{r, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE} mgr=startEpiviz(workspace="C60FA3168F34DBC763F579C1EADA8AF0") ``` ```{r, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE} mgr=startEpiviz(debug=TRUE, openBrowser=FALSE, nonInteractive=TRUE, tryPorts=TRUE) mgr$startServer() ``` This opens a websocket connection between the interactive `R` session and the browser client. This will allow us to visualize data stored in the `Epiviz` server along with data in the interactive `R` session. ### Adding block region devices Once the browser is open we can visualize the `colon_blocks` object containing blocks of methylation modifications in colon cancer. We use the `addDevice` method to do so. We then use the `service` function to let the interactive `R` session serve data requests from the browser client. We need to escape (using `ctl-c` or `esc` depending on your platform) to continue with the interactive `R` session. ```{r,eval=TRUE} blocks_dev <- mgr$addDevice(colon_blocks, "450k colon_blocks") mgr$service() ``` You should now see that a new track is added to the `Epiviz` web app. You can think of this track as an interactive display device in `R`. As you navigate on the browser, data is requested from the `R` session through the websocket connection. Remember to escape to continue with your interactive `R` session. The `blocks_dev` object inherits from class `EpivizDevice`, which contains information about the data being displayed and the chart used to display it. Note that the "brushing" effect we implement in `Epiviz` works for `epivizr` tracks as well. The point of having interactive data connections to `Epiviz` is that we may want to iteratively compute and visualize our data. For example, we may want to only display methylation blocks inferred at a certain statistical significance level. In this case, we will filter by block size. ```{r, eval=TRUE} # subset to those with length > 250Kbp keep <- width(colon_blocks) > 250000 mgr$updateDevice(blocks_dev, colon_blocks[keep,]) ``` Now, only this subset of blocks will be displayed in the already existing track. ### Adding line plots along the genome We have a number of available data types in `epivizr`. In the previous section, we used the `block` type. For the methylation data at base-pair resolution in the `colon_curves` object, we will use the `bp` type. ```{r, eval=TRUE} # add low-filter smoothed methylation estimates means_dev <- mgr$addDevice(colon_curves, "450kMeth",type="bp",columns=c("cancerMean","normalMean")) mgr$service() ``` Notice that we added two lines in this plot, one for mean methylation in cancer and another for mean methylation in normal. The `columns` argument specifies which columns in `mcols(colon_curves)` will be displayed. We can also add a track containing the smooth methylation difference estimate used to define methylation blocks. ```{r, eval=TRUE} diff_dev <- mgr$addDevice(colon_curves,"450kMethDiff",type="bp",columns=c("smooth"),ylim=matrix(c(-.5,.5),nc=1)) mgr$service() ``` We pass limits for the y axis in this case. To see other arguments supported, you can use the help framework in R `?"EpivizDeviceMgr-class"`. ### The session manager again We can use the session manager to list devices we have added so far, or to remove devices. ```{r, eval=TRUE} mgr$listDevices() mgr$rmDevice(means_dev) mgr$listDevices() ``` ### Adding a scatterplot Now we want to visualize the colon expression data in `apColonData` object as an MA plot in `Epiviz`. First, we add an `"MA"` assay to the `ExpressionSet`: ```{r} keep <- pData(apColonData)$SubType!="adenoma" apColonData <- apColonData[,keep] status <- pData(apColonData)$Status Indexes <- split(seq(along=status),status) exprMat <- exprs(apColonData) mns <- sapply(Indexes, function(ind) rowMeans(exprMat[,ind])) mat <- cbind(colonM=mns[,"1"]-mns[,"0"], colonA=0.5*(mns[,"1"]+mns[,"0"])) assayDataElement(apColonData, "MA") <- mat show(apColonData) ``` `epivizr` will use the `annotation(apColonData)` annotation to determine genomic locations using the `AnnotationDbi` package so that only probesets inside the current browser window are displayed. ```{r, eval=TRUE} eset_dev <- mgr$addDevice(apColonData, "MAPlot", columns=c("colonA","colonM"), assay="MA") mgr$service() ``` In this case, we specify which data is displayed in each axis of the scatter plot using the `columns` argument. The `assay` arguments indicates where data is obtained. ### The SummarizedExperiment Object `Epiviz` is also able to display plots of data in the form of a `SummarizedExperiment` object. After loading the `tcga_colon_expression` dataset in the `epivizrData` package, we can see that the `colonSE` object contains information on 239322 exons in 40 samples. ```{r} data(tcga_colon_expression) show(colonSE) ``` The `assay` slot holds a matrix of raw sequencing counts, so before we can plot a scatterplot showing expression, we must first normalize the count data. We use the geometric mean of each row as a reference sample to divide each column (sample) by, then use the median of each column as a scaling factor to divide each row (exon) by. ```{r, eval=TRUE} ref_sample <- 2 ^ rowMeans(log2(assay(colonSE) + 1)) scaled <- (assay(colonSE) + 1) / ref_sample scaleFactor <- Biobase::rowMedians(t(scaled)) assay_normalized <- sweep(assay(colonSE), 2, scaleFactor, "/") assay(colonSE) <- assay_normalized ``` Now, using the expression data in the `assay` slot and the sample data in the `colData` slot, we can compute mean exon expression by sample type. ```{r, eval=TRUE} status <- colData(colonSE)$sample_type index <- split(seq(along = status), status) logCounts <- log2(assay(colonSE) + 1) means <- sapply(index, function(ind) rowMeans(logCounts[, ind])) mat <- cbind(cancer = means[, "Primary Tumor"], normal = means[, "Solid Tissue Normal"]) ``` Now, create a new `SummarizedExperiment` object with the two column matrix, and all the information about the features of interest, in this case exons, are stored in the `rowData` slot to be queried by `Epiviz`. ```{r, eval=TRUE} sumexp <- SummarizedExperiment(mat, rowData=rowData(colonSE)) se_dev <- mgr$addDevice(sumexp, "Mean by Sample Type", columns=c("normal", "cancer")) mgr$service() ``` Again, the `columns` argument specifies what data will be displayed along which axis. ### Slideshow We can navigate to a location on the genome using the `navigate` method of the session manager: ```{r, eval=TRUE} mgr$navigate("chr11", 110000000, 120000000) ``` There is a convenience function to quickly navigate to a series of locations in succession. We can use that to browse the genome along a ranked list of regions. Let's navigate to the 5 most up-regulated exons in the colon exon expression data. ```{r, eval=TRUE} foldChange=mat[,"cancer"]-mat[,"normal"] ind=order(foldChange,decreasing=TRUE) # bounding 1Mb around each exon slideshowRegions <- rowData(sumexp)[ind] + 1000000L mgr$slideshow(slideshowRegions, n=5) ``` ### Closing the session To close the connection to `Epiviz` and remove all tracks added during the interactive session, we use the `stopServer` function. ```{r} mgr$stopServer() ``` ### SessionInfo ```{r session-info, cache=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```