Version 1.1-3 (2012-01-05) + Minor bug fix in readBiclusterResults: bicluster files without any bicluster are recognized + Minor bug fix in readBiclusterResults: bicluster files with only one bicluster and one row/column not report error anymore (previously due to matrix dropping) + Minor bug fix in readBiclusterResults: feature/condition names are written in "features"/"conditions" items in the info list + Feature improvement in readBiclusterResults: featureNames and sampleNames are written in Parameters, so as to be used by the coerce method in the eisa package, to coerce a Biclust object into an ISAModules object + Methods features and conditions now have a two-step strategy: first try the info list, if failed, then try the matrix names + length.Biclust returns 0 if the Biclust object contains no bicluster + combineBiclusts support non-empty Biclust objects with empty Biclust objects, e.g. those without valid biclusters detected. Version 1.1-2 (2012-01-03) + Add fcFilter for feature-condition filtering Version 1.1-1 (2011-12-22) + Generalize S4 methods for QUBICBiclusterSet to Biclust: most of the S4 methods now can be applied to a Biclust object. + Add the combineBiclusts method to combine multiple Biclust/QUBICBiclusterSet objects. + Add readBiclusterResults function to complement the writeBiclusterResults function in the biclust package. Version 0.99.1 (2011-08-11) + Rename quantile.discritize to quantileDiscritize in order to avoid conflicts with the S3 method nomenclature Version 0.99.0 (2011-08-05) + Re-starting version indexing due to submission to the Bioc repository Version 1.8.1 (2011-08-02) + Fix errors in documentations Version 1.8.0 (2011-07-11) + Submission to Bioconductor