New in version 1.0.7 ==================== Minor changes: - Updated consensusScores() man page. New in version 1.0.6 ==================== Minor changes: - Updated loadMAdata() man page. New in version 1.0.5 ==================== Minor changes: - Updated diffExp() to only use vennDiagram() of the limma package for Venn diagram plotting in order to correct a bug when plotting more than three circles. Also updated the corresponding man page. - Updated the SBML section in the loadGSC() man page. New in version 1.0.4 ==================== Minor changes: - Fixed bug in loadMAdata so that also compressed CEL-files (*.CEL.gz) can be loaded correctly. New in version 1.0.3 ==================== Minor changes: - Updated references in vignette. New in version 1.0.2 ==================== Minor changes: - Updated CITATION information. New in version 1.0.1 ==================== Minor changes: - Fixed bug in loadGSC() so that gmt-files are now loaded correctly. - Temporarily added suppressWarnings() in polarPlot() around the calls to radial.plot() since warnings appeared for example("radial.plot") in plotrix v3.4-6. - Updated CITATION information. - Fixed typos in DESCRIPTION and piano-package.Rd. - Updated the man file for loadGSC(). - Added URL in DESCRIPTION. New in version 1.0.0 ==================== Important changes: - Removed the arguments 'venn', 'heatmap' and 'polarPlot' from diffExp and replaced them with a new argument: 'plot'. - The consensusScores function now does not return its result invisibly. - The argument order in consensusScores has changed: 'plot' has been moved from last place to after 'method'. Minor changes: - Added citation DOI to vignette. - Fixed bug in geneSetSummary when no directions are available. - Updated the man page for consensusScores, added correct output description. - Fixed a bug in diffExp() regarding the result table, when gene names (annotation) are not available - Fixed a bug in diffExp() so that the heatmap shows gene names if available, otherwise the probeset IDs - Updated the Description field text in the DESCRIPTION file. - Removed man page for internal functions. - Removed contrastName as output from runGSA and geneSetSummary, including man pages. - Changed the man page for consensusHeatmap clarifying that the cutoff argument is consensus score (not rank) - Updated the man page for loadGSC, clarifying the input. - Reworked the vignette to fit Bioconductor, removed section on R introduction. - Change name of folder for example data from exampleData to extdata, and updated man pages and vignette. - Changed so that total number of gene-level statistics are printed during run, instead of total number of unique genes. - Removed 'typical usages' section from man page of loadMAdata since this is covered in the vignette. - Updated the examples for diffExp, networkPlot, consensusHeatmap and consensusScores to show how to handle the returned object. - Added CITATION file. - Added NEWS file. - Added more links to similar packages in runGSA help page. - Updated the installation instructions in the Vignette to fit Bioconductor. - Updated the loadMAdata function to use the justPlier function from package plier, instead of a modified version. - Removed internal function justPlierSpec.