\name{SPADE.flattenAnnotations} \alias{SPADE.flattenAnnotations} \title{ Flatten list of annotations to matrix } \description{ Helper function for flattening list of annotations } \usage{ SPADE.flattenAnnotations(annotations) } \arguments{ \item{annotations}{ A list of annotation matrices. All matrices must have the same number of rows. } } \value{ Single matrix of annotations } \author{ Michael Linderman } \examples{ # Not run ## Load two-parameters sample data included in package #data_file_path = paste(installed.packages()["spade","LibPath"],"spade","extdata","SimulatedRawData.fcs",sep=.Platform$file.sep) ## Run basic SPADE analyses, clustering on two parameters. #output_dir <- tempdir() #SPADE.driver(data_file_path, out_dir=output_dir, cluster_cols=c("marker1","marker2")) ## Compute medians, counts and other parameters from processed files #upsampled_file_path <- paste(output_dir,.Platform$file.sep,basename(data_file_path),".density.fcs.cluster.fcs",sep="") #mst_graph <- igraph:::read.graph(paste(output_dir,"mst.gml",sep=.Platform$file.sep),format="gml") #anno <- SPADE.markerMedians(upsampled_file_path, igraph:::vcount(mst_graph), cols = c("marker1","marker2")) ## Flatten annotations so they can easily be saved in table #flat_anno <- SPADE.flattenAnnotations(anno) }