\name{iChip1} \alias{iChip1} \title{Bayesian modeling of ChIP-chip data through hidden Ising models} \description{ Function iChip1 implements the algorithm of modeling ChIP-chip data through a standard hidden Ising model. } \usage{ iChip1(enrich,burnin=2000,sampling=10000,sdcut=2,beta0=3, minbeta=0,maxbeta=10,normsd=0.1,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{enrich}{A vector containing the probe enrichment measurements. The measurements must be sorted, firstly by chromosome and then by genomic position. The measurements could be log2 ratios of the intensities of IP-enriched and control samples for a single replicate, or summary statistics such as t-like statistics or mean differences for multiple replicates. We suggest to use the empirical Bayesian t-statistics implemented in the limma package for multiple replicates. Note, binding probes must have a larger mean value than non-binding probes.} \item{burnin}{The number of MCMC burn-in iterations.} \item{sampling}{The number of MCMC sampling iterations. The posterior probability of binding and non-binding state is calculated based on the samples generated in the sampling period. } \item{sdcut}{A value used to set the initial state for each probe. The enrichment measurements of a enriched probe is typically several standard deviations higher than the global mean enrichment measurements.} \item{beta0}{The initial parameter used to control the strength of interaction between probes, which must be a positive value. A larger value of beta represents a stronger interaction between probes. The value for beta0 could not be too small (e.g. < 1.0). Otherwise, the Ising system may not be able to reach a super-paramagnetic state.} \item{minbeta}{The minimum value of beta allowed.} \item{maxbeta}{The maximum value of beta allowed.} \item{normsd}{iChip1 uses a Metropolis random walk proposal for sampling from the posterior distributions of the model parameters. The proposal distribution is a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation specified by normsd.} \item{verbose}{A logical variable. If TRUE, the number of completed MCMC iterations is reported.} } \seealso{ \code{\link{iChip2}},\code{\link{enrichreg}}, \code{\link{lmtstat}} } \value{ A list with the following elements. \item{pp}{The posterior probabilities of probes in the binding/enriched state. There is a strong evidence to be a binding/enriched probe if the probe has a posterior probability close to1. } \item{beta}{The posterior samples of the interaction parameter of the Ising model.} \item{mu0}{The posterior samples of the mean measurement of the probes in the non-binding/non-enriched state.} \item{mu1}{The posterior samples of the mean measurement of the probes in the binding/enriched state.} \item{lambda}{The posterior samples of the precision of the enrichment measurements of the probes.} } \examples{ # oct4 and p53 data are log2 transformed and quantile-normalized intensities # Analyze the Oct4 data (average resolution is about 280 bps) data(oct4) ### sort oct4 data, first by chromosome then by genomic position oct4 = oct4[order(oct4[,1],oct4[,2]),] # calculate the enrichment measurements --- the limma t-statistics oct4lmt = lmtstat(oct4[,5:6],oct4[,3:4]) # Apply the standard Ising model to the ChIP-chip data oct4res = iChip1(enrich=oct4lmt,burnin=1000,sampling=5000,sdcut=2, beta0=3,minbeta=0,maxbeta=10,normsd=0.1) # check the enriched regions detected by the Ising model using # posterior probability (pp) cutoff at 0.9 or FDR cutoff at 0.01 enrichreg(pos=oct4[,1:2],enrich=oct4lmt,pp=oct4res$pp,cutoff=0.9, method="ppcut",maxgap=500) enrichreg(pos=oct4[,1:2],enrich=oct4lmt,pp=oct4res$pp,cutoff=0.01, method="fdrcut",maxgap=500) # Analyze the p53 data (average resolution is about 35 bps) # uncommenting the following code for running # data(p53) # must sort the data first # p53 = p53[order(p53[,1],p53[,2]),] # p53lmt = lmtstat(p53[,9:14],p53[,3:8]) # p53res = iChip1(p53lmt,burnin=1000,sampling=5000,sdcut=2,beta0=3, # minbeta=0,maxbeta=10,normsd=0.1) # enrichreg(pos=p53[,1:2],enrich=p53lmt,pp=p53res$pp,cutoff=0.9, # method="ppcut",maxgap=500) # enrichreg(pos=p53[,1:2],enrich=p53lmt,pp=p53res$pp,cutoff=0.01, # method="fdrcut",maxgap=500) } \author{Qianxing Mo \email{qmo@bcm.edu}} \references{ Qianxing Mo, Faming Liang. (2010). A hidden Ising model for ChIP-chip data analysis. \emph{Bioinformatics} 26(6), 777-783. } \keyword{models}