\name{PlotTopPCOPA} \alias{PlotTopPCOPA} \title{Plot expression patterns of top ranked genes.} \description{ It first sorts the expression value \eqn{exprslist[[i]]\$exprs[j,]} among the baseline samples(e.g. normal ones) and comparison group (e.g. tumor ones)seperately for selected gene \eqn{j}, and then plot the sorted expression values. The first argument \eqn{exprslist} should be the same one as for \eqn{PCOPA}; the second argument \eqn{PCOPAresult} should be an output of PCOPA; the third argument \eqn{topcut} determines how far we would go down the top ranked list; and the last argument \eqn{typelist} is a vector specifying the titles for each graph corresponds to a specific study. } \usage{ PlotTopPCOPA(exprslist, PCOPAresult, topcut, typelist) } \arguments{ \item{exprslist}{Each element of \eqn{exprslist} is a list with the first element being \eqn{exprs} and the second element being \eqn{classlab}. Each row of \eqn{exprs} represents one gene and each column represents one sample. \eqn{classlab} is a zero-one vector indicating the status of samples. We use 0 for the baseline group, usually the normal group, and 1 for the comparison group, usually the tumor group.} \item{PCOPAresult}{Output of PCOPA.} \item{topcut}{ Cutoff of top ranked gene list.} \item{typelist}{ A vector specifying the titles for each graph corresponds to a specific study.} } \author{ Michael Ochs, Yingying Wei } \examples{ #read in data data(Exon_exprs_matched) data(Methy_exprs_matched) data(CNV_exprs_matched) data(Exon_classlab_matched) data(Methy_classlab_matched) data(CNV_classlab_matched) head(Exon_exprs_matched) #exprslist[[i]]$exprs should be in matrix format Exon_exprs<-as.matrix(Exon_exprs_matched) Methy_exprs<-as.matrix(Methy_exprs_matched) CNV_exprs<-as.matrix(CNV_exprs_matched) #exprslist[[i]]$classlab should be in vector format Exon_classlab<-unlist(Exon_classlab_matched) Methy_classlab<-unlist(Methy_classlab_matched) CNV_classlab<-unlist(CNV_classlab_matched) #make an exprslist consisting 3 studies trylist<-list() trylist[[1]]<-list(exprs=Exon_exprs,classlab=Exon_classlab) trylist[[2]]<-list(exprs=Methy_exprs,classlab=Methy_classlab) trylist[[3]]<-list(exprs=CNV_exprs,classlab=CNV_classlab) #calculate P-value based statistics for outlier gene detection and output the outlier gene list for each patient a7<-PCOPA(trylist,0.05,side=c("up","down","up"),type="subtype") #plot expression patterns of top ranked genes. PlotTopPCOPA(trylist,a7,topcut=1,typelist=c("Exon","Methy","CNV")) }