\name{anotaDataSet} \docType{data} \alias{anotaDataSet} \alias{anotaDataP} \alias{anotaDataT} \alias{anotaPhenoVec} \title{Sample data set for anota} \description{ 6 samples with data from 2 sample categories, both cytosolic (anotaDataT) and translational (anotaDataP) together with a sample class vector (anotaPhenoVec). } \usage{data(anotaDataSet)} \format{Each data matrix (anotaDataT and anotaDataP) has 1000 rows (1000 first identifiers from complete data set) and 6 columns (noAA or rich). The anotaPhenoVec vector contains the sample class of each sample and anotaDataT, anotaDataP and phenoVec follow the same order.} \source{Ingolia, NT et al. Genome-wide analysis in vivo of translation with nucleotide resolution using ribosome profiling. Science, 2009, 10;324(5924):218-23} \examples{ ##load data set data(anotaDataSet) ##check dimensions dim(anotaDataP) head(anotaDataP) dim(anotaDataT) head(anotaDataT) anotaPhenoVec } \keyword{datasets}