\name{topTable-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{topTable-methods} \alias{topTable,glmnet-method} \alias{topTable,limma-method} \alias{topTable,MArrayLM-method} \alias{topTable,pamClass-method} \alias{topTable,rfClass-method} \alias{topTable,tTest-method} \alias{topTable,fTest-method} \title{Methods for topTable} \description{ Methods for topTable. topTable extracts the top n most important features for a given classification or regression procedure } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ glmnet \item{fit = "glmnet", n = "numeric"}{glmnet objects are produced by \code{lassoClass} or \code{lassoReg}} limma \item{fit = "limma", n = "numeric"}{limma objects are produced by \code{limma2Groups}} MarrayLM \item{fit = "limma", n = "numeric"}{MarrayLM objects are produced by \code{lmFit} of the \code{limma package}} pamClass \item{fit = "pamClass", n = "numeric"}{pamClass objects are produced by \code{pamClass}} rfClass \item{fit = "rfClass", n = "numeric"}{rfClass objects are produced by \code{rfClass}} tTest \item{fit = "tTest", n = "numeric"}{tTest objects are produced by \code{tTest}} fTest \item{fit = "fTest", n = "numeric"}{fTest objects are produced by \code{fTest}} } } \arguments{ \item{fit}{object resulting from a classification or regression procedure} \item{n}{number of features that one wants to extract from a table that ranks all features according to their importance in the classification or regression model; defaults to 10 for limma objects} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}