\name{plotCombination2genes} \alias{plotCombination2genes} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Plot a Combination of Two Genes} \description{ Plot a Combination of Two Genes } \usage{ plotCombination2genes(probesetId1 = NULL, probesetId2 = NULL, geneSymbol1 = NULL, geneSymbol2 = NULL, object, groups, addLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topleft", probe2gene = TRUE, colvec = NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probesetId1}{First probeset id, plotted in the x-axis} \item{probesetId2}{Second probeset id, plotted in the y-axis} \item{geneSymbol1}{First gene symbol, plotted in the x-axis} \item{geneSymbol2}{Second gene symbol, plotted in the y-axis} \item{object}{ExpressionSet object for the experiment} \item{groups}{string containing the name of the grouping variable} \item{addLegend}{Logical value to indicate whether a legend needs to be drawn.} \item{legendPos}{Position on the graph where to put the legend} \item{probe2gene}{should the probeset be translated to a gene symbol (used for the default title of the plot)} \item{colvec}{a character vector of colors. If not specified it will be automatically generated by \code{a4palette}} \item{\dots}{This allows to specify typical arguments in the \code{plot} function} } \value{ If a gene id is given, the plots for only the first probeset is displayed and a character vector of corresponding probeset IDs is returned invisibly. It is a list containing \item{probeset1 }{Probeset ids measuring 'gene1'} \item{probeset1 }{Probeset ids measuring 'gene1'} If a probeset id is given, one single profile plot for the probeset is displayed. } \author{W. Talloen, T. Verbeke} \seealso{\code{\link{plot1gene}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) aa <- plotCombination2genes(geneSymbol1 = 'HLA-DPB1', geneSymbol2 = 'CD3D', object = ALL, groups = "BT", addLegend = TRUE, legendPos = 'topright') aa } } \keyword{dplot}