\name{combineTwoExpressionSet} \alias{combineTwoExpressionSet} \title{ Combine two ExpressionSet objects } \description{ Merge two ExpressionSet objects, checking their attributes. } \usage{ combineTwoExpressionSet(x, y) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class ExpressionSet } \item{y}{ An object of class ExpressionSet } } \details{ exprs and pData are merged. Other data (such as MIAME or annotation) are those of x. } \value{ An object of class ExpressionSet } \author{Eric Lecoutre} \seealso{ \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # prepare and combine two ExpressionSet data(data.H2009); data(phenoData.H2009) data(data.SKOV3); data(phenoData.SKOV3) eH2009 <- prepareExpressionSet(exprs = data.H2009, phenoData = phenoData.H2009, changeColumnsNames = TRUE) eSKOV3 <- prepareExpressionSet(exprs = data.SKOV3, phenoData = phenoData.SKOV3, changeColumnsNames = TRUE) newE <- combineTwoExpressionSet(eH2009,eSKOV3) } } \keyword{data}